Most of our readers will have heard Israel referred to as ‘The Startup Nation’: since the publication of the eponymous book and in light of the work undertaken by Startup Nation Central, the expression has become a popular byword for Israel. Rightly so: even a cursory glance at the Jewish state reveals a thriving ecosystem of new ventures and ideas vying across a staggering array of sectors. Faced with this awe-inspiring hive of activity it is all too easy to lose sight of the original Israeli startup. Israel’s first unicorn: Israel herself.
Unpicking Israel’s extraordinary journey and the drivers behind this transformation was the focus of our talks, delivered in March and June 2022, to some 110 students visiting Israel on trips organized by Passages. Focusing on Israel’s agricultural revolution, these discussions explored the courage, ideology, vision and originality which underpin the Israeli success story.
We couldn’t have wished for a better host and audience for these events than Passages and its cohort of young leaders. Passages is an organization which offers trips to Israel to Christian students. Aside from the opportunity to engage more directly with their faith, these trips allow participants to experience the Israeli miracle first hand. With its emphasis on developing leadership among students, Passages promotes one of the drivers that proved vital to Israel’s development and helps usher in a new generation of change makers.
Visit the Passages website to find out more.
